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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Why nice guys lose in dating

Why Nice Guys Lose In Dating Written by David Wygants intern Hey everyone, Intern Dan here with my first blog post.  So, lately I’ve been hearing a lot of guys making the “observation” that women always say they want a “Nice Guy” but then end up with the total jerk. In my circles, this is […]

Time to get this handled

So this past weekend, I went to check out David Wygant, a dating coach who was giving a seminar in Manhattan.  I was pleasantly surprised with his style and down to earth approach.  His big thing was to be genuinely interested in other people and talk to EVERYONE.    Easier said than done!!  Just opening up […]

Friends with Benefits?

Jay, Can you please post this and see if your readers can give some feedback? Thanks Brian “I have had a female friend for over 5 years.  We talk about everything and really have become great friends.  Although I am insanely attracted to her, I know long term it could never work because we are […]

Congrats to Gina & Ira

A few weeks ago, I wrote an entry about how one meeting and change your life forever. If you missed it, you can check it out here This past weekend was another good reminder of this.  Gina & Ira invited me to their house for a BBQ on Sunday and it was great to reconnect […]

Guys say I love you first.

Excerpts taken from Today Relationships Get rid of the stereotype that men are afraid of commitment. A brand new study finds that not only do men frequently say “I love you” 1st in a relationship, but they are typically happier than ladies when they hear the 3 small words said to them. The larger happiness […]

Women love with their ears.. Except….

Ever hear the old saying that “Men love with their eyes and Wome love with their ears”? In many cases, this theory really does hold true.  Just the other day I was talking with Melony about a guy she was crazy about.  She said “when I first met him, I thought he was ugly, but […]

One meeting can change your life

I hate being single, I really do. This weekend was a very good reminder that things can change in a magic moment and your life will never be the same. It also reminded me that we need to put ourselves out there as much as possible, because you never know when lightening might strike. Yesterday […]

Grooming issues

If I ever have have hair coming out of my ears, would you please let me know!! I was in Manhattan the other day on an elevator and this poor man had a forest growing out of both of his ears. I am not making fun of the guy. I actually really wanted to help […]

Texting vs. Calling- Part 2

If you missed part 1 of my story, you can check it our here =================================================================================== We just finished a back and forth text conversation, so at this point I figured I must have misread her and that their was some potential interest. The next day or the day after, I called her and left a […]

Texting vs. Calling

So what is it about texting someone vs. calling? At our speed pool event about a month  ago, a married couple seemed very intrigued by what was going on.  The woman said she had a single sister and wanted to let her know about the events.  Then she asked about my status and when I […]