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Lipstick at the table

Ok ladies, here is a question for you to answer.

Dear Jay

I recently went to dinner with a good female friend. We are just friends, but I k now she knows that I really want more. She is very friendly and feels comfortable around me and can sometimes be touchy feely (for example, my hair was standing up and she played with it to get it looking right).

After dinner, she reapplied her lipstick and puckered up her lips. Was that any type of sign that maybe she wanted me to kiss her at some point?

After dinner, we went for a walk and she grabbed my arm and we walked arm in arm for a while. Again, this was somewhat unusual behavior from the past. We always had a playful friendship, but it was always me who would have to put my arm around her.

Once again, am I reading too much into this?

A clueless guy.

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