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Cuddle Party? What do you think

So you watched the video? What do you think?


  1. L.M. says:

    I don’t buy the “non-sexual” nature of these cuddle parties. These are adults in pajamas for goodness’ sake. People should attend if they want to, but you wouldn’t find me there. Such parties could easily morph into group sex events, which is fine if that’s what the participants truly want. However, be honest about it – don’t act like a bunch of innocent kids in cute jammies! I prefer my pajama cuddling one-on-one in private! AND, for non-sexual cuddling and hugging, there is no need to get into pajamas in the first place – as my daughter and good friends could tell you. Still, to each his own! Good luck…and “hugs” to all. 🙂

  2. L.M. says:

    I don’t buy the “non-sexual” nature of these cuddle parties. These are adults in pajamas for goodness’ sake. People should attend if they want to, but you wouldn’t find me there. Such parties could easily morph into group sex events, which is fine if that’s what the participants truly want. However, be honest about it – don’t act like a bunch of innocent kids in cute jammies! I prefer my pajama cuddling one-on-one in private! AND, for non-sexual cuddling and hugging, there is no need to get into pajamas in the first place – as my daughter and good friends could tell you. Still, to each his own! Good luck…and “hugs” to all. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    its just too weird for me too. just laying around all over each other.. after some of the freak fests i have been to i am not going to roll around on the floor to be groped by some stranger … but if there were some “normal” people who want to hang out in jammies or casual lounge attire to watch movies.make popcorn or give new hairdo’s/don’ts and mani / pedi’s then maybe u could talk me into but…it would have to be people jay met or somehow screened…

  4. ohdomino14 says:

    I agree what others have said – an excuse for it to become an orgy of sorts. I’ve had my share of weird and maybe this is not the intention but I’m not crazy about it. They have groups for that – I prefer my hugs with an audience of one!

  5. Anonymous says:

    My intial reaction was no way can these cuddle parties be nonsexual and for some people that is the case, but I do believe the concept of a hug or a non sexual cuddle can be a wonderful source of warm, caring connections between human beings…perhaps I’m too naive but it could be wonderful with the right group.

  6. Ken says:

    This could be a great event that makes people feel good. By nature, human contact generally does that for people. However, boundries would have to be clear and adheared to. Just because someone shows up in pajamas, doesn’t mean they’re there to be groped. Attendees should have the right to sit back and watch, talk, or hang out without feeling pressured to cuddle. Cuddling should only occur by mutual choice.


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