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Is your home woman friendly

Guys, have you been on a few dates with a woman, things seem to be going well, she eventually gets to see where you live, and then BAM, she is never to be heard from again??

Well, it is possible that your home is not women friendly! Little things that as guys, we would think is no big deal, can be a major turnoff for some women, and for others a total deal breaker.

I recently had a very attractive female friend stay with me for a week while she was in town on business. We have been friends for about 6 and a half years and she slept in the same bed with me, so I do trust her judgment.
[PS. Nothing happened. My dad has since disowned me and several friends have asked me if I have gone over to the other side. For the record, I have not gone over to the other side, “not that there is anything wrong with that” -Seinfeld

Ok back to the story. Lets just say that the week was a major learning experience. From the layout of my apartment, to some of my clothes, to the color of my walls, having a regular plastic garbage can instead of a stainless steel that matched the rest of the kitchen., I got some constructive feedback, some of which I agreed with, and some of which I did not.

She also threw out 90% of my undershirts. Well she didn’t actually throw them out, she gave the shirts to her dog to use as a bed. Why?? They were worn out. I let her give them to the dog because she did have a point.
Did I do everything she suggested?? Nope, however I do keep it in mind, and will make some changes little by little.

Other female friends have told me that they look at a guys toothbrush, check out the bathtub and much more if going to a guys home. Some things raise some red flags and others can make her never return again.

What should you do?- Ask a female Friend

Guys, if you have a good female friend that you trust, ask her to come over and give you her honest opinion of any possible things that may scare a woman if they visit. Ask her for an honest opinion on your clothes and see if she will go shopping with you (if your wardrobe needs an overhaul).

Or, I have some female friends who can help you

I have have a few very attractive female friends who will visit your home to help with ideas to make it more appealing, let you know if you need to burn your clothes, and can even take you shopping.
I do not know what they will charge, but if you are interested, please email me at and I will find out.

Please comment in the blog


  1. Elizabeth says:

    Personally…as a woman who is quite detail-oriented, and into aesthetics, perhaps more than the typical female…since I am into home interiors and decorating!…someone's home is a reflection of them, just as the way a person presents themselves (their style), and their grooming habits say so much about their personality. I happen to be very meticulous about my home…so if I enter a guy's apartment and see dirty dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor, or it smells foul….you can bet I will not return for a visit. If you are inviting a woman over to your home, you need to make it as pleasant to the senses as possible! Moreso, if you want it to lead into a romantic setting, and get cozy. How in world would a woman get comfortable on a couch that had cigarette burns! or with pet hair all over her???! LOL…invest in yourself (grooming/hygiene)–and in your home. There are essentials everyone needs when entertaining. Guys – check out once in a while for some helpful hints. You need to have an inviting home, that is…the bedroom should be clean (get a cleaning lady if need be)…and have something to offer your guest (a cocktail)–nice bottle of chilled wine in the fridge wouldn't hurt…always a great idea to have one in the fridge (just in case)…have a few snacks, nice music, mood lighting, clean that bathroom (PLEASE!)–if you remotely think you may have a girl over. I know it's work…but what you put into it–is usually what you get out. Unless your date is with a woman that is careless and inattentive with herself and her home, and she lives in some filthy apartment herself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Helpful hint: If you have any type of anti-psychotic or male enhancing drug like Prozac or Viagara–make sure you do not keep it in plain view in your medicine cabinet. Women (like ALL) men check out the medicine cabinet when using a bathroom. Nobody wants to admit that–but's in the undeniable truth! LOL

  3. Anonymous says:

    Forget the question about a woman-friendly home: the real story here is that you had a "very attractive female friend" not only stay with you, but sleep in your same bed and rummage through your drawers (dresser-drawers, that is), and nothing happened.

    Following your Seinfeld reference, you are truly the master of your domain! Have you been practicing Eastern meditation techniques? That is a remarkable feat, and you, my friend, are a highly evolved male!

    Forget your father and your friends! Embrace your newfound freedom from that which forever makes men beholden to the fairer sex! Bravo!!

    Okay, if not, at least your long-time friend is gone and you now have some nicer shirts to entice your next very attractive female mate!

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