First Date Conversation Topics
What Should You Talk About on a First Date?
You’d think the hardest part of a first date is getting up the courage to ask someone out, but experts say it’s actually figuring out what to talk about on your date! So, here’s how to have a first date conversation that could lead to that all-important date #2, courtesy of the researchers at News Corp.
When asking personal questions, tread carefully around past romances. Their last relationship could have ended badly, and you don’t want to start your potential relationship out on the wrong foot. Also, avoid asking about their parents. They could have unresolved issues that are too serious for a first-date conversation. Instead, ask about their siblings. Brothers and sisters usually trigger good feelings, and your questions show that you’re interested in their family life.
Ask about their likes and dislikes on things like food, sports, hobbies, and travel. Finding common ground can lead to other topics, like where your date would like to go on their next vacation or what movie they’d like to see tomorrow night.
Another good topic of conversation: Work. For the most part, people like to talk up their job, no matter how mundane it is. Listening to their spiel will also give you an idea whether they’re a workaholic, a slacker, or a dreamer.
You should also ask about their friends. Hearing what someone’s friends are like, how they met, and what they do for fun can give you great insight into your date’s personality, and how they interact with other people.
Finally – if your date is leaning in and fully engaged in the conversation, go ahead and broach the subject of future plans. If they’re looking around the room, giving you one-word answers, or picking up their cellphone to check for text messages – date number one may be the first and last.
Tip 1: Guys: Don't ask a girl if she owns or rents her place. That's rather rude. It's a date…not an appointment to get pre-qualified for a loan/mortgage.
Besides…it's really "non of your business at this point". That information can be disclosed at a later point. Secondly, one other offensive one-line question is…"so what's wrong with you–why are you single"?
I believe, it's not necessarily what you ask, but in the way you ask it. That can better be said like this:
"So what's a great person like you, flying solo"?
Just some food for thought.