Is it ok for women to approach men?
I was wondering what people thought about a woman approaching a man. This gal walked up to my friend John at a bar this weekend and said “excuse me, can I have your email address.” I turned to the gal I was talking to and said, “wow, that is great!! But how about I do this the traditional way, can I have your email address?” She looked at me and said “uuh, I’m a lesbian”. Story of my friggin life, since she was cute too. Actually, I am pretty sure she was a lesbian, based on some interesting characters that came in shortly after but…
Ladies.. Have you ever told a guy that you were not interested in that you were a lesbian?
So again, this is a two part question…
A) What do you think about the woman approaching the man?
B) Have you ever told a guy you were a lesbian to get rid of him?
I included a bunch of comments from Facebook where I also posted this.
Why not be assertive!!
Asking for email is smooth. I like it, never tried it. Better than saying, " would you to you want to be my FB". Some girl thought I meant f@ck buddy.
I think it's great if a woman has the confidence to approach the guy. However, just like the other way around the guy has the option of whether or not he is interested
Congratulations to the female who had the confidence to ask your friend for his email address. How did it work out? Maybe we should all take a lesson from this. Anyone can ask and anyone can accept or decline, just remember to be kind if you respond with a negative.
The guy will be flattered but it will go nowhere. Men need to conquer whatever the have and it includes women. A relationship won't come from this.
There is nothing wrong with that! It's 2010
There is nothing wrong with a woman approaching a man, however she should be casual about it and not come on to strong.
of course it is, but it depends on the person–the more polarized you are the less acceptable that is (for both genders)…for those who take up the poles at the end of the gender-identification spectrum (the macho authoritarian male/receptive- submissive female) they're all about adhering to what social consciousness dictates their behavior should be…for those who have a good mix of male/female energy to their makeup, to have a woman act like that is refreshing & welcomed…of course there are non-polarized persons who because of the self image they carry about themselves force themselves to abide by such social constraints, which goes against their natural inclinations & who are enslaved by this artificiallity & that's always sad to see….