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What Women Want- #10 & #9


Top 10 things women want.

Men are pretty simple creatures, really. If a woman is attractive, we want to meet her. If she turns out to be interesting, intelligent or funny, we want to get to know her better. Women, by contrast, are a little more complicated. They often have grocery lists of prioritized criteria that they use to determine whether or not a guy is datable. And female criteria are significantly more nuanced than the monosyllabic qualities men tend to look for: “nice,” “hot” and “smart.”

Recognizing that some guys could use some help understanding the female wish list, we’ve put together this list of the top 10 things women want.

No.10 – Independence

Women want to know that a man can take care of himself. They want a guy who is capable and independent, able to make his own decisions, pay his rent, and cook himself dinner. Despite what you might think, no woman wants to be your mother (besides, of course, your mother). One of the top 10 things women want is to know that you are capable of carrying your own weight in a relationship. A guy who is in constant need of reassurance, companionship, help, motivation, and advice is a turnoff.

No.9 – Looks

Women are called the fairer sex for a reason. They’re much, much better looking than we are, what with our sharp angles, our hairy backs and our doughy centers. It is truly one of their great virtues that women are willing to spend so much time in our company despite our undeniably simian appearance.

Still, despite their good nature, women care about looks too (if not quite as much as men do). Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to at least try and minimize the degree to which you remind them of a monkey. Women aren’t asking for much. Try to keep yourself well-groomed. Wear clothes that fit, and at least make an effort to keep yourself in shape.

We will continue the top 10 list in subsequent newsletters.


  1. Liz says:

    Yes…there have been too many instances to count–but not sure why any man would show up to a date all disheveled, without shaving, or wearing a wrinkled old shirt, looking like they haven’t combed their hair in months (like a male version of Phyllis Diller!). Hairy backs = undatable! Bad breath–please invest in some Altoids or Mouthwash. Simple hygiene…take a few moments to prep and have “some” pride in how you represent! Think about it…women go through a lot of time, and details to look a certain way — reciprocate! And yes…nothing is more sexy to me than a guy that is independent and can take care of himself.

  2. A.C. says:

    Ok guys, listen up loud and clear on Liz’s comments. You only have one chance to make a first impression.

    Why start off with strikes against you? Take an extra few minutes, to make yourself look sharp. Put on a pair of shoes (if you wear sneakers to an event, you may very well turn off some women). Get a haircut, some breath mints, a nice pair of jeans or slacks and think positive.

    Yes yes, I know that a woman should want you for your insides. However, she will never want to get to know whats on the inside if the outside looks like crap.

  3. Dan says:

    I didnt know independence was such a desirable trait. I consider myself very independent, but I do not promote that quality.

    Grooming and hygiene is a given though. I do feel sorry for the guys with hairy backs, My friend is like that there is nothing he can do about it. He shaves it, it grows back like a 5 oclock shadow. I guess there is always lazer hair removal or waxing.

  4. Liz says:

    Hairy back remedy – electrolysis, or permanent hair removal…it’s so worth the investment. Who wants a rug on their back?! It doesn’t take much to put one’s best foot forward…just shower, shave and sprinkle on some cologne. Lightly though…we don’t want to smell you coming from a mile away! LOL

  5. JoAnn says:

    Ok, I’ve gotta chime in on the hair issue. For some women, that’s more of a personal choice. I can’t fault a guy for having body hair. I don’t see this as a hygene issue. And I don’t think all women are “grossed out” by it. I, personally, don’t have a problem with it. And sometimes shaving it just makes it worse.

    I will agree with the rest of the good hygene. Breath, hair, clothes. You may thing that fuzzy beard looks cool, but how is a girl going to get past that brillo?

    Oh, and I will mention TEETH. I make it a point now NOT to go with a guy that doesn’t smile in his pic, as I’ve come across some men with HORRIBLE teeth. For me, that’s a hard thing to look past. It can also effect your breath. One guy I dated had halatosis, probably caused by a cheap cap job on his teeth. He admitted he let students do it, and it looked terrible.

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