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The Bear and the Sneakers- Kill your approach anxiety

From Carlos Xuma

You ever have one of those moments where a person is telling you a
joke, and you realize you’ve heard it before, but you don’t want to
spoil it for them?

I think we all have…

So you sit there and wait politely until the end, and you give them
a polite laugh, too.

Well, my friend did this to me the other day. He’s known for having
a joke-of-the-week, and he’s usually pretty good with them.

He told me one you might have heard. I’ll tell the joke here for
you so you can get a laugh, just in case you haven’t heard this one:

** Joke Starts here **

Two hunters are in a cabin deep in the woods.  At daybreak they are
awoken by a grizzly bear just out of hibernation, mad as all heck,
and hasn’t eaten all winter.

The bear is hitting the door with all his weight and it’s beginning
to give out.

One hunter calmly begins to put on his sneakers.

The other hunter is bewildered. “What are you doing? You can’t
outrun a bear!”

The other hunter says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear.  I’ve just
got to outrun YOU.”


I always liked that one. It’s a slightly evil joke that we can all
relate to. I think we can relate to that kind of competition –
especially running for your life.

Sometimes it’s every man for himself. Survival of the fittest.

So when my friend was telling me this joke, I had a second or two
to think about it – and I had a HUGE light bulb moment.

** This realization I had is totally related to YOU and your dating
skills. **

In that joke, there’s something brutally real about the hunter who
knows that *** all he has to do is outrun his friend.***

And in the world of attracting and dating attractive women… YOU

Not EVERY guy!

You see, the reality is that only 10% of guys have good skills with
women. (I’m being VERY generous here.) I’m talking CONSISTENT
success with beautiful women. Not just guys who get a date every so
often or have a girlfriend.

(In fact, one of the WORST measures of success is whether or not a
guy has a girlfriend. Especially when you see so many
bored/miserable couples out there.)

The other 90% of guys out there are STRUGGLING. Some will get
better approaching and talking to women – most will NOT.  

I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s true.

BUT this also works out better for YOU. If you know how to get past
your fears of approaching women, you’ll find that your potential is
UNLIMITED. You’ll surpass 90% of the guys in a heartbeat.

Remember, only about 10% of guys out there can approach a woman and
generate interest CONSISTENTLY.

Well I’ve got a great tool for you to start using right away. One
of my closest friends in this field has put together a new report.
He was going to make it part of a program, until I twisted his arm
to let me send it to you guys for free.  

That’s right.

In this report, he’s going to show you how to CRUSH your Approach

COMPLETELY obliterate it.

Go grab his report here:

I happen to know that he’s in the process of creating a new
program, and he’s going to pull this down when it’s ready, so you
want to grab your free ebook right away.

By the way, he’s also got some POTENT information for you on the
second page that you’ll want to read, too. This is all about the
CRITICAL first step of meeting women that you MUST master to get
the woman you want.

Your friend,


P.S.  My friend is a renowned guru on the topic of inner game and
how you make it POWERFUL *outer* game, PLUS he’s got an unbelievable
woman in his life who admires and supports his work. He’s not about being
a flash-in-the-pan “pickup artist,” he’s about living the kind of LIFESTYLE
every man wants…

Check it out here

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