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Building “UNBREAKABLE” Social Confidence with Women

This article was written by our friends at New York Dating Coach
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Building “UNBREAKABLE” Social  Confidence with Women


Have you ever caught a glimpse of a stunning woman on the subway, at the grocery store, or  walking down the street, but didn’t have the guts to talk to her? Well, in order to start a conversation with any woman, you must be knowledgeable of this one piece of advice that will change the way you approach women forever.

The biggest mistake men make when they approach is incorrect body language. Before a woman even notices your face or your clothing (these aspects are important too but we’ll get to that in a bit), she feels your presence.

So if you want to be a part of the very exclusive selection of men who know how to ace an approach, keep reading.

Regardless of where you are approaching, or simply talking to someone new, there is one crucial element you don’t want to screw up. And this is perhaps the most important approaching information you must retain from this newsletter.

Never square your shoulders to her in the first few minutes of conversation. It’s that simple and effective. You see, if you come STRAIGHT ON to a woman (even if you’re really good looking) it is her natural reaction to lean back and shoot down your approach. So if you beat her to it by coming in at a side angle, you’ll make her feel less threatened from the get go. In addition, she will be more likely to stay in conversation with you because she knows you’re not going to stay there forever, indicated by your body language. The whole conversation becomes more relaxed and much more likely to spike her interest in you. This seems so simple yet it is a mistake that most men make when they start conversations with women.

Signs to Watch: It is always better to wait until she squares her shoulders to you, before doing it yourself. You will see that most men approach head on, while women keep their body away from the guy. But once she feels comfortable in conversation with you, she turns her body to face you. Once she does this, then you can face her as well. The photo above illustrates that point. Pay attention next time you are talking to a woman you just met or/and observe men in a bar talking to a woman. You can always spot men who get it and the majority who do not.

Quick assignment: Next time you want to talk to a woman, correct your body language and approach her from a side angle rather than head on and watch her reaction. Be aware of what her body language does and I promise you’ll be surprised.

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